Audio files (Click on link) - Pricing
1001 Flash: A Fanfare for Brass and Percussion $60.00
1002 My Voice for Symphonic Wind Ensemble $125.00
1003 Wildfire for Symphonic Band $125.00
1004 From Darkness Grows the Dancing Blue Lights for Young concert band $90.00
1005 Gold Dust for Symphonic Wind Ensemble $125.00
1006 Stormchaser for Young Bands $90.00
1007 Firefly for Symphonic Wind Ensemble $175.00
1008 Ave Maria – Biebl/trans. for Symphonic Band $90.00
1009 A New Song – Kauflin/trans. for Symphonic Wind Ensemble $90.00
1010 Give Us Visions – Fanfare for Brass and Percussion $40.00
1011 The Soaring Eagle (Fanfare, Song, and Dance) for Young Concert Band $100.00
2001 Stealth: An Overture for Orchestra $150.00
3001 The Distant Light for flute, horn (opt. fluegelhorn or euphonium) and piano $20.00
3002 Shapeshifter for flute and piano $25.00
3003 Mystic Rhythm for flute, alto saxophone, and two marimbas $25.00
3004 Canyons for Woodwind Quintet $30.00
3005 Prism Fanfare for Flute Ensemble $40.00
3006 From Dusk to Dawn for clarinet (opt. flute), horn (opt. tpt or trb) and piano $25.00
3007 Journey Into the Light for alto saxophone and piano $25.00
3008 Scaramouche - Milhaud arr. for Saxophone Quartet $25.00
3009 A Wandering Voice for horn and piano $30.00
3010 Steel Clouds – for horn and piano (Horn Version – originally for trumpet) $25.00
3011 Steel Clouds – for trumpet (opt trb) and piano $25.00
3012 Blue Chase for Trumpet Ensemble $50.00
3013 Neon Fanfare for Trumpet Ensemble Available Here (Triplo Press)
3014 Three Madrigals for Five Bb Trumpets -Luca Marenzio/arr. for trumpet ensemble $30.00
3015 QuarTango for Clarinet Duet (Bb & A) $15.00
4001 Marsch from Symphonic Metamorphosis – Hindemith/arr. for Perc Ensemble $75.00
4002 Moonstruck for Percussion Ensemble $90.00
5001 Will the Wind Whisper? - high voice $15.00
5002 Four Emily Dickinson Songs – soprano $25.00
II. Why do They Shut Me Out of Heaven?
III. Will There Really be a Morning?
IV. There Came a Wind Like a Bugle
5003 Hidden Love (Four Sara Teasdale Poems) – soprano $25.00
I. Hidden Love
II. Houses of Dreams
III. The Flight
IV. To Joy
5004 The Human Heart – high voice $25.00
5005 Only Then Can We Smile – soprano, trumpet (opt. tbn) & piano $20.00
5050 The Presence for SSAATTBB Choir $2.50 per copy
5051 Love and Friendship for SATB Choir $2.00 per copy
5052 Verses To a Child for SATB Choir $2.00 per copy
6001 Elliptical Dance from Three Preludes for Piano $9.99
6002 Three Preludes for Piano $20.00
for College/University/Honors Band Auditions and Advanced High School Students
Note: Concert Band Sets contain one etude for each standard instrument including:
Picc, Fl, Ob, Clar (Eb, Bb, Bass, Contra), Bsn, Sax (Alto, Tenor, Bari)
Tpt, Horn, Tbn, Bs Tbn, Tuba, Perc (Snare-Mallets-Timpani)
7001 Sight-Reading Etudes for Concert Band – Set 1 $25.00
7002 Sight-Reading Etudes for Concert Band – Set 2 $25.00
7003 Sight-Reading Etudes for Concert Band – Set 3 $25.00
7004 Sight-Reading Etudes for Concert Band – Set 4 $25.00
7005 Sight-Reading Etudes for Concert Band – Set 5 $25.00
7006 Sight-Reading Etudes for Concert Band – Complete Edition (all 5 sets) $100.00
7007 Ten Sight-Reading Etudes for Flute-Piccolo $10.00
7008 Five Sight-Reading Etudes for Oboe $5.00
7009 26 Sight-Reading Etudes for Clarinet $20.00
7010 Five Sight-Reading Etudes for Bassoon $5.00
7011 15 Sight-Reading Etudes for Saxophone $15.00
7012 15 Sight-Reading Etudes for Trumpet $15.00
7013 Ten Sight-Reading Etudes for Horn $10.00
7014 12 Sight-Reading Etudes for Trombone-Euphonium-Bass Trombone $12.00
7015 18 Sight-Reading Etudes for Low Brass $15.00
7016 Five Sight-Reading Etudes for Tuba $5.00
7017 15 Sight-Reading Etudes for Percussion (Snare-Mallets-Timpani) $15.00